Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Faith Like a Child

For being such a simple word it sure is hard. Just when I feel confident in my faith something happens and it doesn't take but two hot seconds for me to start doubting again. I doubt myself, sometimes my beliefs,  I doubt God and his presence or concern for my life. It takes work to reel myself back in to how I know I need to think. Sometimes I just picture God saying, "I got this, Maggie. Just like I had the thing before, and like I'll get the next thing to come."

Why, however, is it so easy for kids to have faith? My children have a raw unhindered faith in my husband and I as their parents. The other day I was going down the stairs holding my 9 month old. As I neared the end, I went bounding fast down the last few to jostle her around just so I could hear her infectious giggle. As I started going faster, she let go of me and put her arms in the air with her head back laughing continuously. She trusts me that I wont let go of her. In fact, I know it didn't event enter her mind. She let go and had an amazingly free experience. Why can't I do this? As God carries me through life, why do I hold on so tightly? And, when the bumps in road come, I cling harder in fear of getting hurt or being let down or worse....loosing control. Imagine having a faith where I just let go. Experience to the fullest of what I'm supposed to out of every situation. It might even put a smile on my face.

Not but an hour later, my husband came home from work and started playing with the kids. I was cooking dinner and peaked into the playroom to see him holding my son (2 years old) by one ankle upside down and swinging him around. This was not an unusual sight in this house, but I couldn't help but notice the joy on my sons face as he flew through the air. He completely trusted his daddy to not drop him or put him in harms way in any way. So much so, he was thrilled to be dangling by his foot upside down and asked him to do it again as soon as he was put down. Sometimes I think we miss out on some of the fun that God intended for us because of our lack of faith.

That night we had a bad thunderstorm, and my 4 year old ended up sleeping on our bedroom floor. In the morning I said to her, "You know what thunder is, and you know that it can't hurt you, so why were so scared last night?" She replied, "I don't know it just made me feel better to be close to you." I loved her response. You see in reality I am as helpless as she is when compared to Mother Nature, but she didn't expect me to stop the storm or make it go away. She just wanted to be close. Wouldn't it be wonderful if when the storms of life blow in and thunder hits so close the house shakes, I just set up camp at the foot of Jesus? Not because I expect him to make the storm stop (which he can!) but because just being close brings comfort. 

What a challenge.
To have the unhindered all trusting faith of a child.
So the next time God goes bounding down the stairs....Let go and laugh loudly.
The next time He hangs me upside down by my ankles.....enjoy every minute.
The next time the skies get dark and the winds blow to His presence.
Challenge accepted!